Monday, November 15, 2010

Two Egg makes list of "Funniest Place Names"

Our charming little community of Two Egg, Florida, is once again receiving national attention!

Two Egg was prominently featured on's list of Funny Place Names today. Please click here to see the brief article for yourself!

In addition to Two Egg, the Bing article featured Double Trouble, New Jersey; Why, Arizona; Truth or Consequences, New Mexico; Toad Soak, Arkansas; Cuckoo, Virginia; Boring, Oregon, and a few others. All, however, seem to be quite a bit a bit larger than Two Egg.

This is the second time this year that Two Egg received major attention. On Easter morning we were featured on the morning news in Sacramento, California, that state's capital city. Attention, of course, is nothing new for us. Over the years Two Egg has been featured on television, radio and in magazines. From National Geographic to Life Magazine, the name has definitely been out there.

You can always read more about Two Egg online at

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