Sunday, September 19, 2010

Old Parramore - New Book from Dale Cox is now available for order

I'm pleased to announce the upcoming release of my latest book, Old Parramore: The History of a Florida Ghost Town.

Old Parramore is the story of a riverboat port that grew just east of Two Egg during the 1880s and became a bustling little town until the beautiful paddlewheel steamboats that once churned up and down the Chattahoochee River were driven out of business by railroads and trucks. With its commerce heavily dependent on river traffic, the little town faded away and very little of it remains today.

The book will be officially released during the first week of October in connection with the annual Oak Grove Homecoming at Old Parramore, but orders can be placed now for a limited number of autographed copies.

Please visit for ordering information. The price is $19.95 plus shipping. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery to allow time for me to sign them, etc. If you would like a special dedication written inside so you can use them as gifts, just let me know when you place your order and I'll be glad to do so for you.

A major portion of the proceeds are being donated to help defray the cost of maintaining Oak Grove Church and Cemetery and the hosting of the annual homecoming.

The book will become available in October through online and local bookstores.

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