Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Christmas in Two Egg, Florida - Hardcover Collector's Edition is Now Available!

A Christmas in Two Egg, Florida, my new short novel, is now available in a hardcover collector's edition. The book can also now be downloaded.

The hardcover edition will be available online only, with the paperback set for release at a special signing event at Chipola River Book & Tea in Marianna from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. on December 18th. If you order hardcover copies online, I will be glad to sign them for you then and the shop will also have a full supply of the paperback edition on hand.

Here is the link for ordering:

Please note, however, that the paperbacks will not be available until December 18th. You can call Book & Tea at (850) 526-5040 to reserve a copy if you like, but there should be plenty on hand. The shop will not have the hardback edition, as they are custom printed for each customer.

If you want one of the hardcovers for a Christmas gift, be sure to order in plenty of time as the company needs 5-7 business days to print and bind them.

A Christmas in Two Egg, Florida is a fictional account of the life of a man named Ben, who lives in the quaint community of Two Egg. His life has been a troubled one and he faces his own past and future in a unique confrontation with a mysterious stranger. It is my first venture into fiction, so I hope you enjoy it!

Dale Cox

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