Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Bit of Consumer Advice from Two Egg, Florida

I was browsing through today and noticed that some people and/or companies are reselling copies of my various books for some pretty astronomical prices. Here are some examples.
  • Two Egg, Florida - $21.36 (Retails for $16.95)
  • Battle of Marianna - $34.97 (Retails for $19.95)
  • Battle of Natural Bridge -$19.75 (Retails for $19.95)
  • History of Jackson County, Florida: The Early Years - $51.77 (Retails for $24.95)
  • Early History of Gadsden County, Florida - $51.77 (Retails for $24.95)

Amazon provides a service that lets other firms or individuals resell books through their website. And honestly, I have no problem with anyone making a profit, but I hate the thought of a reader paying $51.77 for a book that they can buy brand new for $24.95.

If you want any of my books for Christmas gifts, I suggest you buy them from the official site at Amazon now services all orders there and you can get new copies at the best price available. Signed copies of The History of Jackson County, Florida: The Early Years are also available at Chipola River Book and Tea in Downtown Marianna.


Dale Cox

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