Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blue Spring page online at

I'm working on my Two Egg, Florida website some this week and the first of a series of new pages is now online.

It focuses on Blue Spring, a Jackson County landmark for hundreds if not thousands of years. Most people don't realize it, but one of the first places in the county described by early Spanish explorers was Blue Spring. They called it "Calutoble" or "Calistoble" and marveled at its size and the clarity of the water. One, a Franciscan missionary named Rodrigo de la Barreda, noted in 1693 that herds of buffalo grazed in the prairies surrounding the spring and that bear, deer and other animals lived in the woods.

Andrew Jackson stopped at the spring in 1818, by which time it was known as the "Big Spring" of the Chipola. His army of more than 1,000 men camped there while marching from Fort Gadsden on the Apalachicola River to Pensacola.

A major Confederate camp was located at the spring in 1862-1865 and it was also a popular place for picnics, baptisms, fishing and swimming. Today it is a well-known recreation area that is open to the public in late spring and early summer.

To visit the new page, please go to

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