Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jackson County books available for Christmas

If you are looking for unique gifts this holiday season, don't forget the books Two Egg, Florida and The History of Jackson County, Florida: The Early Years.

Both are available online for immediate purchase at and autographed copies are available in Marianna at Chipola River Book & Tea (on Lafayette Street, directly across from the Battle of Marianna monument).

I also expect to have news next week on the release of the second volume of the Jackson County set, which will be titled The History of Jackson County, Florida: The Civil War Years. If you would like to receive an email as soon as it is available, just drop me a note by visiting and I'll be glad to keep you informed.
And, if you are looking for something to do now that the cool weather of winter is spreading across the South, be sure to visit A sister site to this blog and to, it features photographs and details information on a wide array of historic sites and natural wonders in Florida and across the South!

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