Thursday, January 10, 2008

More on Lovedale

This is one of the oldest graves at Lovedale Baptist Church Cemetery. The stone, located virtually in the shadow of the church itself, marks the burial spot of Charles Weston. He was only 6 weeks old when he died in 1891.

Such tragedies were sad facts of life during the late 1800s, when Lovedale was founded. Disease, malnutrition, lack of modern medicines and other causes contributed to claim many children before they reached the age of 5. The number of graves of children at cemeteries like the one in Lovedale is a sobering testimony to the fact that the "good old days" weren't always so good.

Despite such tragedy, however, the people who survived the hard times built families and homes and helped make Jackson County the special place it is today. There is much history in the tombstones around Two Egg.

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