Sunday, January 13, 2008

Milly Francis and Duncan McKrimmon

This is a 19th century artist's rendering of Milly Francis, the "Creek Pocahontas," begging for the life of a captured Georgia militiamen named Duncan McKrimmon.
This is one of the stories I featured in my recent book, Two Egg, Florida: A Collection of Ghost Stories, Legends and Unusual Facts.
The incident took place during the spring of 1818. McKrimmon, a soldier in Andrew Jackson's army, wandered from Fort Gadsden on the Apalachicola River to do some fishing. He was quickly captured by several Creek warriors who were hovering around the fort to watch Jackson's movements. Taken to the village of the Prophet Josiah Francis on the Wakulla River, he was tied up and preparations began to execute him.
Milly later described how she heard shouting and ran to see what was happening, only to realize that McKrimmon was about to be killed. She pleaded with her father, the Prophet, to spare him, but was told that under Creek law, that decision must be made by the warrior who had captured him. She then took her appeal to the warrior in question who was finally convinced to spare McKrimmon on the provision that the young soldier agree to shave his head in the Creek style and become a member of the Prophet's band.
The Prophet Francis was captured and executed by Andrew Jackson a short time later and Milly and the other members of her family went up into Alabama. In 1836, she was among the Native Americans forced on the Trail of Tears to today's Oklahoma. After years of living in poverty in the Indian Territory, she was granted a pension and special medal of honor by the U.S. Congress. She died, however, before the funds and medal reached her.
If you are interested in learning more about Milly Francis, consider picking up a copy of Two Egg, Florida. It is available at Chipola River Book and Tea in downtown Marianna and can also be purchased at,, or ordered from my website at

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