Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thank you, Jackson County!

I want to thank everyone who came by the book signing at Chipola River Book and Tea in Marianna on Saturday. The event was a big success and the turnout was very heart warming. I enjoyed having the chance to talk with so many friends and the opportunity of meeting so many new ones.

I remain amazed at how much people seem to be enjoying the Two Egg, Florida book. You never know when you write something how it will be received or whether people will enjoy reading it. I'm glad that everyone is finding the stories to be so much fun. There wasn't a great deal of creativity involved in this one, the stories just tell themselves.

If you still would like an autographed copy for Christmas, Chipola River Book and Tea has a few left. They are located on Lafayette Street in downtown Marianna right across from the Battle of Marianna monument (on the same block as Watson's Drugs and the Gazebo restaurant).

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