Thursday, December 6, 2007

Southern Heritage on Chipola TV (CCTV)

I had a great time last week visitng with Robert Daffin and Ashley Pollette, the co-hosts of the "Southern Heritage" show on Chipola TV (also called CCTV). They do a great show that so far as featured on a variety of Southern topics.

I was on to discuss my books, including Two Egg, Florida: A Collection of Ghost Stories, Legends and Unusual Facts.

CCTV is a cable channel that can be viewed in Marianna and is also available as a live video stream online at

The Two Egg book, by the way, continues to do well. You can still obtain autographed copies for Christmas at Chipola River Book and Tea, 4402 Lafayette Street across from the Battle of Marianna monument in downtown Marianna (the same block as Watson's Drugs and the Gazebo restaurant). It is also available at and

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