Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Blooming Season in Two Egg, Florida

The dogwood trees are now moving into full bloom, the annual notice that the spring blooming season is now reaching its height in Two Egg, Florida!

Across the Two Egg area, azaleas and dogwoods are coming out in full force. The unusually cold winter seems to have a good effect on most of the blooms, adding to their quality and numbers. The azaleas in particular are beginning to really explode with color.

Also out are peach trees, wildflowers, other blooming plants and even a few late peach blossoms. The grass has greened up nicely and most of the trees are now leafed out. Wth the temperatures already approaching 90, it won't be long before the hot days of summer are upon us, but for now conditions are just delightful.

To see photos of the spring blooms in Two Egg, read the popular local Easter legend about the Dogwood tree and check the Two Egg area weather forecast for the Easter weekend, please visit

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