Saturday, January 2, 2010

Battle of Ekanachattee page now online at

I have a new page online at that might be of interest.

The little known Battle of Ekanachatte was found just 12 miles northeast of Two Egg on March 13, 1818. The battlefield is now part of Neal's Landing Park where State Highway 2 intersects with the Chattahoochee River and the Georgia line. Unfortunately, there are no markers or monuments to remind visitors of the fighting that once took place there.

The battle was part of the First Seminole War of 1817-1818. Neal's Landing was then the site of the village of Ekanachatte ("Red Ground"), an important Lower Creek town. When U.S. troops attacked the Creek village of Fowltown in what is now Decatur County, Georgia, the chief and warriors of Ekanachatte joined those from other Creek and Seminole villages in the Florida/Georgia/Alabama borderlands in a war against the United States.

On March 13, 1818, Ekanachatte was attacked by 900 Creek warriors that had allied with the United States against the Seminole and Lower Creeks alliance. Led by Brigadier General William McIntosh, the war chief of Coweta, they had traveled down the west side of the Chattahoochee River through snow and ice in order to attack the town.

To learn more about the Battle of Ekanachatte, please visit You can also read a full account in The History of Jackson County, Florida: The Early Years.

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