Thursday, December 4, 2008

Annual Christmas Lights this weekend at Three Rivers

The annual Christmas Lights Show will begin this weekend at Three Rivers State Park. Located on Highway 271 (River Road) just north of Sneads, the beautiful park borders Lake Seminole and has been part of the state park system since 1955.

If some in state government have their way, this could be the last year for Three Rivers. The state is proposing that the land on which the park is located be given back to the federal government. The move would save Florida less than $200,000 out of a state budget of more than $70 BILLION. (a budget, by the way, that has more than doubled in the last ten years). Apparently our state leaders can double their budget but no longer have the money they need to maintain Three Rivers and a number of other state parks. I encourage you to voice your opposition to this plan by writing to Gov. Crist at or by contacting your local senators and representatives. You can obtain their emails and mailing addresses at
In the meantime, take the time to head out to Three Rivers this weekend to enjoy the lights. The display opens at 5 p.m. both Friday and Saturday night and continues until 7 p.m. If the state goes through with its plans, this will be your last year to enjoy the display.

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