Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Two Egg Vote - Last Word on the 2008 Election!

Well, about everything has been said about Election 2008 that can be said...except for how Two Egg voted!

Here are the results from Precinct 23 as tabulated by the Jackson County Supervisor of Elections Office:

President of the United States

John McCain/Sarah Palin - 311

Barack Obama/Joe Biden - 285

Bob Barr/Wayne Root - 1

Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzales - 5

Representative in Congress, District 2

Mark Mulligan - 152

Allen Boyd - 431

State Attorney, 14th Judicial Circuit

Steve Meadows - 272

Glenn Hess - 317

State House, District 5

Brad Drake - 194

Johnny McDaniel - 391


Jim Peacock - 175

Lou Roberts - 338

William Nelson - 7

Zanie Williams - 69

Superintendent of Schools

Steve Benton - 295

Lee Miller - 292

County Commission, District 5

Ben Howard Odom - 225

Kenneth Stephens - 357

Amendment Two - Defining Marriage as Between a Man and a Woman

Yes - 507

No - 64

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