Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Two Egg Oranges - An Unexpected Sight!

I was greeted with an unexpected sight today...oranges fresh from the tree.
This nice sample of citrus was grown by Mr. Eddie B. Watford who lives on the Alabama state line a few miles north of Two Egg. You can judge their size by the Mason jars behind them.
These are the first locally grown oranges I have seen in many years.
Jackson County, of course, was once a major citrus producing area. Satsuma groves were common and Marianna even boasted a Satsuma Festival. Several severe winters during the early 20th century doomed the industry, however, and the groves are long gone. Citrus producers moved south in search of better weather and Jackson County's history as an orange-growing area came to an end.
But, as Mr. Watford has clearly demonstrated, the trees still can and do thrive in the area. The taste of oranges is excellent and their overall quality is outstanding.

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