Monday, March 31, 2008

Faye Dunaway and Two Egg, Florida

I'm often asked if it is true that noted actress Faye Dunaway is a native of Two Egg, Florida. In fact, I received a couple of emails on this topic over the weekend.
Yes, it is true. Ms. Dunaway spent her childhood just north of Two Egg crossroads before moving on to Tallahassee and eventually widespread acclaim.
The photo seen here shows her childhood home near Two Egg as it appeared last fall. The old house has been moved from its original site and, as you can see, probably won't be around much longer.
Most of Ms. Dunaway's bios list her childhood home as nearby Bascom, but this was because there was no post office in Two Egg and the local homes were on Bascom mail routes.
It is an interesting footnote in the history of our community.
While Faye is perhaps the best known, many members of the Dunaway family have strong ties to Two Egg and continue to cherish the community to this day. They may not be stars, but they have impacted the lives of many of their fellow Jackson Countians through the years and continue to do so.
(Thank you to Ashley Pollette of the "Southern Heritage" program on Chipola College TV for the photograph!)

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