Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Open Pond near Two Egg, Florida

The body of water seen in the distance here is known in the Two Egg area as the "Open Pond." Long a popular fishing hole in the Cox community, it is one of the few area landmarks shown on the original survey plats of Jackson County.
A section line crosses the pond near the route of the elevated road seen on the opposite side of the pond. When they passed through the area during the 1820s, the original surveyors followed this line while marking off their survey plats. The area was then open woods, but the pond was shown on their drawings.
Scientific studies show that the Open Pond and numerous other ponds in the area are found along the course of an old channel of the Chattahoochee River. Over time, the river moved east to its present course, leaving behind the winding channel dotted with small lakes and ponds.
Prior to the construction of the Jim Woodruff Dam and flooding of Lake Seminole during the 1950s, flood waters from the river would sometimes flow into the old channel and re-connect the ponds, leaving area residents stranded on spots of high ground.

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