Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Book: "A History of Jackson County, Florida" to be released soon

The first volume of my new three volume set of books, A History of Jackson County, Florida will be released in a couple of weeks. Volume One covers the years 1674-1865 and will be the first of the three books to be released. Volume Two, which covers the years 1866-1935 will be released this summer and Volume Three, 1936-Present will be out by Christmas.
I divided the book into three volumes because of its length (over 700 pages). This will keep each of the the parts affordable (retail price is set for $24.95) instead of them all being put together into one large book that would cost more than many readers could afford to pay in one lump sum.
Volume One will be available through, and most other online retailers by around the end of January. It will also be available in Marianna at Chipola River Book and Tea downtown (same block as the Gazebo Restaurant).
Here are some of the chapters from Volume One:
  • San Nicolas and San Carlos, The Spanish Missions of Jackson County
  • Ellicott's Observatory, 1799
  • The Perryman Family and the War of 1812
  • The First Seminole War
  • Andrew Jackson's March through Jackson County
  • First Settlements
  • The Establishment of Jackson County
  • Greenwood and Campbellton
  • Marianna vs. Webbville
  • The Ghost of Bellamy Bridge
  • Fort Marianna and the Second Seminole War
  • The Plantation Era
  • Slavery
  • The Riverboat Era
  • The Calhoun County War of 1860
  • The War Between the States
  • The Battle of Marianna

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