Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Passing the torch...

My oldest son William has decided to follow in his dad's footsteps, so to speak, and is starting a publishing firm. He will specialize in books on little known aspects of Florida and Southern history.

To help get him started, I'm in the process of handing over a number of manuscripts that I finished over the last ten years. He has begun working on editing them and will begin putting them into print over the next few years. He is also looking for additional works by nonfiction writers, with a special emphasis on lesser known yet significant historical events. For more information, you can email me at dalecox@twoeggfla.com with your inquiry and I'll be glad to pass it along.

I'm really proud to see him giving this a chance. As my last three books (The Battle of Marianna, Florida, Two Egg, Florida and The Battle of Natural Bridge, Florida) have demonstrated, there is definitely a market for well-researched books on Florida and Southern history. Those of you who know me are aware of my health situation. I'm no longer able to do the research and writing I would like to do, so it is great to see him take interest in my unpublished work.

The first of the new books, The Battle of Massard Prairie: The 1864 Confederate Attack on Fort Smith, Arkansas, should be out in December.

He'll have a website up soon, and I'll pass that along as soon as it is ready to go.

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